Refereed Journal Articles
“Testing the Social Pressure Hypothesis: Does In-Party Social Pressure Reduce Out-Party Empathy?”, PNAS Nexus, 2024.
“Correcting misperceptions of partisan opponents is not effective at treating democratic ills” (with Nicholas C Dias, Laurits F Aarslew, Kristian Vrede Skaaning Frederiksen, Yphtach Lelkes, and Sean J Westwood), PNAS Nexus, 2024.
Working Papers
“Global differences in experiences of hostility on social media reflect political and economic inequalities”. (with Alexander Bor, Antoine Marie, and Michael Bang Petersen), revise and resubmit: Nature Human Behavior.
“Approaching Political Disagreements With Understanding: Comparing Empathy To Other Modes of Information Processing”, available upon request.
“When Out-Partisans Understand: The Impact of Out-Party Empathy on Third-Person Observers”, available upon request.
“Danskernes Oplevelse Af Had På Sociale Medier.” (English title: “Danes’ Experience of Hate on Social Media”) (with Matthies Andresen, Simon T Karg, Stig H Rasmussen, Jesper Rasmussen, Lasse Lindekilde, and Michael Bang Pertersen), Aarhus University.
Work in Progress
“Extremity Bias in Peer-to-Peer Communication” (with Troels Bøggild)
“The Design of the Platform or the Personality of the User? Evidence on the Causes of Online Political Hostility from a Large-Scale Lab-in-the-Field Experiment” (with Steffen B Selmer and Michael Bang Petersen)
“Does In-Party Conformity Undermine Democratic Norms?” (with Laurits F Aarslew and Kristian Vrede Skaaning Frederiksen)